Goals and KPI
Start with a goal you would like to achieve and how you will track your success.
The beginning of any marketing strategy must start with a goal. Knowing what you want to achieve will guide all the decisions you make along the strategy timeline. How you will measure the success of your strategy is also a critical step. Whether it be trackable form fills, online sales, increase in subscribers or any other trackable action, you must decide how you’ll track your success.
Online Presence
Where customers can find you and how they can engage with you online.
Your online presences is an ever changing component to you overall strategy and one of the hardest to maintain. From your website, to your locations pages, review sites, social media pages the list goes on and on. If a potential client or customer is searching for you online where can they find information about you. All of this adds up to your online presence and the information available on all platforms must match, be accurate and up to date.
Think about the ideal target audience and build a strategy to reach them.
Once your goal and KPI’s are set, you’ve verified your information is correct across your entire online presences, it is now time to focus on you audience. Who is your typical client/customer, do you know their demographics and behaviors online? The importance of knowing your intended audience is more than just analytical insight. This will guide you through your creative and messaging process as you prepare marketing campaigns focus around achieving your goals.
Customer Journey
Potential clients/customers want the right information at the right time, make their journey easy.
The client/ customer journey is all about how you provide information to them. If you deliver an ad to a potential client and deliver them to a landing page that does not match the content of your ad, you’ve probably lost that potential client/customer. The journey you take them on with your brand will determine how engaged they are with your brand long term. Map out your campaign from ad copy to landing pages to your final KPI tracking point.
Knowledge is power, make sure you can track and optimize your strategy.
How did a client/customer find you, where did they engage with your brand, did they convert through your KPI tracking? Are you using a specific CRM platform that can integrate into your marketing campaigns, do you have tracking capabilities from point of contact to a closed deal/sale? These are the insights that will help optimize your marketing campaigns and strategy.
Customer Loyalty
Re-Engage customers to make them brand ambassadors.
Client/Customer loyalty moves an engaged user to a brand ambassador. What opportunities do you have from them to review your products/service? Do you offer a referral or incentive to recommend your business? Do they follow you or have they shared information about your brand on social media? A completed marketing strategy needs a way to re-engage current clients/customers, make sure to focus time into this because word of mouth has always been the best form of marketing. Turn you customers into brand ambassadors.